Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 6; CDT 4: Lima, MT to Grand Teton NP

We were determined to get an early start this morning, but one thing lead to another and we left Lima a little later then desired at 7:30 AM.

From Lima we headed toward Lakeview and then into Idaho, stopping for lunch at a little resort town called Mack’s Inn (or maybe that is the name of the resort in the town?). We had a nice Mexican lunch there and headed toward Grand Teton NP, crossing into Wyoming in the process. Today will be the only day that we tread in three states within the same day.

We covered 185 miles, registered a peak elevation of 8,083 feet, and arrived at Headwaters Lodge in Grand Teton National Park at 4:30 PM.

Our travels took us through some beautiful areas. The roads were mostly gravel though we had some fun single track thrown in half way through the day. We do miss the well maintained roads of Montana, as the roads here in Wyoming are very rough, rocky, and full of washboard.

Highlights (and lowlights) of the day: We saw beautiful meadows, lakes, and mountains;  we met Lance the ranger in Lakeview who helped us change lances front flat, we did two state border crossings, we saw the Grand Tetons, we came upon a covered wagon expedition, we stumbled upon a lake held by a dam made from logs, we rode an old rail bed for ~30 miles, and we helped Lance repair a second front flat toward the end of the day.

Pictures from the day are listed below.

Warm River, Idaho

Speed limit on a dirt road?


Lakeview Ranger Station

Lakeview - Majority of residents are students at University of Utah extension 

Lakeview Ranger station - Ranger Lance helped us change tire

Warm River

Grand Teton

Log Dam