Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 14; CDT 11: Silver City, NM to Antelope Wells Port of Entry

Today we woke to rain in Silver City, NM, but the rain ceased at 8:00 AM and our route was expected to be clear. We left the campground at 8:15 AM with a destination of the border of Mexico and New Mexico.

We rode 166 miles today with only ~25 miles on dirt, the remainder of today's miles were on asphalt. I have to say that after days of fun dirt roads, the asphalt was a bit boring.

The terrain today is what we expected of New Mexico; flat desert with short trees, cactus, sand, and not many people.

We arrived at the Antelope Wells Port of Entry at Noon. The end of our adventure was a bit anti climactic, mostly because we had another 50 miles to ride North to Hachita, NM where we were to meet Dennis.

Hachita is a small town with no services. As we were driving through the town looking for the truck and trailer, we came upon a very tan man wearing nothing but shoes and shorts. I thought, "well, that's how they roll here in Hachita". The man started waving us over and I realized it was Dennis :). We pulled over and began loading the bikes and preparing for the trip home. It is worth noting, that we all found Dennis's outfit to be the best thing to cope with the heat.

Our total mileage for the trip was 2,725 miles.

Here are pictures from the day (order of pictures is random):

We made it!

Pretty large mountain in an otherwise flat area.

Old church in Hachita, NM

Old Adobe Building

Rose Valley RV Park in Silver City, NM


  1. Congratulations!! you three Muskateers made it. Quite a ride! Gladyou made it all the way.

  2. No picture of Dennis in his Hachita attire? :)

  3. Congratulations on making it through one heck of an adventure. The story about Dennis was hilarious.
